Monday, June 12, 2006

Busy Working....

I've been busy working on my various projects but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I think know I have too many projects going at once right now. Usually I try to keep it down to one project and then in between I work on squares. Right now I have the following:
-Baby Afghan (half-way)
-Flamingo Socks (working on the gusset of the second sock)
-Trekking Socks (still working on the leg of the first sock)
Plus I'm still trying to get a few squares worked up a long the way.

I think I need to focus for now on the baby afghan. I really want to have that out of the way before Summer of Socks begins on the 21st. There are some new sock yarns coming out this fall and I need to clear out some space in the sock yarn cabinet for new yarns. Plus, I'm hoping to attend Stitches East for the shopping. So, I'm going to try hard all summer long to work up as many socks as I can.

At the beginning of the year, I only set 2 "fiber" goals for myself. One was to knit a pair of socks a month (I've fallen behind on that, but hope to "catch-up" over summer). The other was to work through my stash of 4-ply worsted weight acrylic yarns, with the goal of emptying 2 rubbermaid containers. I started with five 18-gallon rubbermaid containers and various other small stashes of acrylic. I am happy to report, that as of yesterday I completely emptied one 18-gallon container.